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Kerelys staff begins with our Cuban-born owner and extends all the way through our prep cook from Venezuela, social media/admin member from Pennsylvania,  investor from Miami known for  his blazing boxing career     and assorted staff hailing from Cuba, Spain, Puerto Rico and right here in Chicago!  Each restaurant employee pitches in to make Kerelys what is is today and will become in the future. Welcome to our "Cuban" family!

Relys Chavez- Owner/Head  Chef


Hailing from  Guantanamo, Cuba, Relyz Chavez brought life to the idea of  family, country and memorable Cuban food. Kerelys represents hours of blood, sweat and tears with restaurant renovations, menu development and  more heart than should be legal in a restaurant. You will find him on site, every day of the week, running the whole show.

Beth Ehrenzeller- Social Media Person  Plus Marketing/Admin

Former dog walker, bartender and freelancing Pennsylvania native, Beth Ehrenzeller,  joined the Kerelys team after finding out that an insufficient number of people knew about the restaurant.  She draws upon her experience of eating a lot to get the word out to the masses that Kerelys is an important part of the Chicago landscape. She has eaten her way through 75% of the menu so far.

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2934 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Chicago, Illinois 60618

Open daily from

10 AM - 10 PM



© 2018 Beth Ehrenzeller. Proudly created with

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